Design in Action
Site ms computational
The Master of Science in Computational Design Practices (M.S.CDP) is an innovative program for recent graduates and practitioners that extends and integrates disciplines between architecture, data visualization, and urban planning—focusing specifically on computational design practices for the built environment at multiple scales. It aims to pioneer new concepts and pedagogies for an integrated multi-scalar and spatial approach to computational design at Columbia GSAPP. The M.S.CDP curriculum encourages critical and creative engagement with spatial computational design as both method and practice.
Design in Action

In his seminal 1987 text Science in Action, Bruno Latour posited that the best way to understand how scientific knowledge is constructed is to study scientists at work. In doing so, he sought to break down the black boxes that conveniently turn messy social and technical processes into established truths that can be taken for granted and relied upon.

This course studied design computation in action by following the trajectory of the designer and the lifecycle of the design project. From Latour, we know that a great deal about design computation can be learned by putting it into practice; and simultaneously, that design work can never escape the circumstances of its production. Rather than look at the design project as the outcome of a particular brief, problem, or provocation, this course peered inside the black box of computational design to interrogate how designers conceive, organize, and structure their projects; their studio environments, tools, and software; the means by which they perform, facilitate, or automate design labor; and the social circumstances of collaboration, criticism, pedagogy, and practice.

In an era where the digital and real worlds increasingly converge, the rise of virtual influencer...
Biting the Big Apple

The USDA recommends that individuals spend at least 280.95 a month on average to afford econom...

De-Blackboxing: Unfolding Networks

“De-Blackboxing” refers to the process of making the inner workings of technology ...

Equitable Provision

Equitable Provision is aimed at assisting a healthcare provider in expanding hospital services...

Is Generative Design Doomed to Fail?

In the context of my current project, Generative Design has proven instrumental in rapidly gen...

Mapping Problems: Location Intelligence Otherwise

What is location intelligence and which ways of knowing location, space, and place does it for...

New Narratives, New Experiences: Donors Behind the Scenes

Museums, as pivotal cultural institutions, play a crucial role in exhibiting and facilitating ...

Remote Sensing

To a geographer, the internet is a challenging object of inquiry. The web flattens the intuiti...

Sentient Records: Engraving the Emotions and Sounds of the City with Brainwaves

Have you ever wondered what it would sound like if our brain activity could be turned into mus...

Structural Optimization of Composite Bamboo Beams
This research focuses on heterogenous construction methods with minimally processed bamboo with t...
The Sign of the City

What AI technologies can help extract more information from urban images? What do signs tell u...


To give the remaining bronze casters and their families agency over what this craft will look ...

Urbancraft: Stakeholders’ Symphony

Urban design faces the challenge of coordinating among stakeholders with diverse backgrounds a...

Computational Solutions through Co-Design

Computational Solutions through Co-Design began with the goal of retrofitting my grandmother&r...