Architecture Studio II: Damage Control
Site arch studio ii
Architecture Studio II: Damage Control

Damage and damage control are the terms and tools through which Design Studio II encountered and analyzed our buildings, cities, environments, and the state of our world. The eight design studios approached and explicated damage in its multiple and many forms. Together, we considered environmental damage, political damage, technical damage, reputational damage, cultural damage, informational damage, and more.

Derived from the maritime military term for emergency measures taken to avoid sinking, in its media spin version damage control describes the effort taken to stay afloat in the turbulent waters of public opinion. Fittingly, media documents, public narratives, news events, and political tensions populated and animated much of the work this semester. Yet our understanding and use of damage control substantially departed from its sly and opportunistic public relations formulation. Rather than disguise or minimize damage, our work attempted to understand, articulate, expose, and critically intervene in the myriad spaces and multiple sites of damage. We did not engage damage control as a cover up but as the opposite. Together, we researched, thought, and designed damage control as an uncovering, intervening, architectural transformation.

Our research revealed that the conditions we identified through and as damage are not alien to architecture. Nor are they alien to our environment, to our political apparatuses, to our cities, or to our museums and cultural institutions. Indeed, damage might be the most common currency and condition of our time. To set about controlling damage is to acknowledge that damage is not an aberration or an exception—it is the persistent companion to our architectural histories, futures, and imaginaries. Damage is imminent to modernity, not the accident that befalls it.

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Shots Fired: Exposing the Commercialization of School Safety
In response to the alarming prevalence of school shootings, my architectural intervention serves ...
For better and for worse

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Water Station on the Border
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The Loop

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Protect Thacker Pass
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Dear Antoine

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Garment Factory in LA Fashion District
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Slice of Celebration

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A Building as a Digestive System

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Granite mountain pageant
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Charles Manson Auction House
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The National Shrine of Catherin Cesnik

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The Ferrari Crash Strip
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Beyond the Gate

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Technocratic Empire

“The project amplifies and critiques Amazon’s monopolistic control of advanced bui...

Tensions In Stone
‘Tensions in Stone’ is a proposal situated at Columbus Circle that draws inspiration ...
Kigiqtaq Indigenous Heritage Center

Situated off Alaska’s northwestern coast, the Shishmaref island community faces signific...

Shadows on Wasteland: Contemplations of Redemption and Ruin
This project began as an inquiry into addressing Jeffrey Epstein’s crimes and seeking justi...

Mindscape reintegrates psychedelics into mainstream consciousness as a means of healing mental...

Establishing a Bank of New York
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Bury A Tree

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Playtime: A Universal Daycare for Bureaucracy
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Nubian Community Gardens

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Build No Trace

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Lahaina Community Housing

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The Bubblegum Project
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The design intent is to translate the site plan of Seneca Village into a three-dimensional interv...
Landscape of extraction, Soil Remediation Project for Midway Sunset Cogeneration Facility



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