As a School of architecture and the built environment, it is imperative that we acknowledge the role our disciplines and practices have played in constructing and upholding racial inequities in the built environment. GSAPP is engaging every aspect of the School with a collective commitment to changing these approaches, and through shared efforts, is intensifying its focus on the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion as a community and across our disciplines and practices.
GSAPP recognizes its capacity to advance and support the transformation of the field to become more diverse, equitable, and inclusive through research that explores and advances new forms of anti-racist practice in the built environment. To this end, GSAPP is making a three-year commitment of financial support to its faculty by establishing the Dean’s Unlearning Whiteness Research Award, which will provide up to three $10,000 grants for faculty-led initiatives, research, and new forms of practice, including independent publications, exhibitions, and other projects to initiate and sustain efforts towards the project of unlearning Whiteness.
Read about the 2021-2022 Award Recipients on the GSAPP News.