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Please see University Regulations concerning student registration at Columbia University.
GSAPP Courses

All courses hosted by GSAPP can be found on the GSAPP Courses Page.

Syllabi can be found on the Canvas page for each course. In case a syllabus is not available for the current semester, all previous sections of the course are listed on the bottom of each course page. Students may find past syllabi by opening the previous section.

Online Registration

Online registration for courses commences the week before the semester begins. It officially ends after the second week of class. All registration changes made after this initial two-week window must be submitted by paper form.

All full semester courses and mini-session A courses must be added by the end of change of program period (refer to the schedule below for deadlines). Mini-Session B courses must be added by the date on the below schedule.

All GSAPP students (with the exception of Special Students) must complete their initial registration for courses through Student Services Online (SSOL) using their Columbia UNI and password. All students are assigned individual registration appointment times during which they can sign-up for core and elective classes.

Students who register for the first time after classes have begun will be charged a late registration fee by the University.


Enrolled GSAPP students may audit GSAPP electives with the instructor’s permission if there are open seats in the class after enrollment is complete (after the add/drop period), within the stated capacity of the course. Audited courses are not noted on the transcript; students do not receive academic credit and are not charged tuition. Auditing agreements are made between the student and the professor: the Office of Academic and Student Affairs does not require notification. To get Canvas access for an audited class, students should contact the professor.

GSAPP students who wish to audit a course in another school should contact the professor or the appropriate administrative office in that school for permission. It is the student’s responsibility to be fully informed of that school’s requirements for auditors, as policies vary according to program.

*Note: MSRED courses are not available to audit.

Add / Drop

Students may add / drop full semester courses and mini-session courses without penalty during the first two weeks of class (the change of program period). This can be done in SSOL when students have online registration appointment times.

After the online registration window closes, GSAPP students must add and drop courses via the Add/Drop Form.

Full-Semester Course (3 pt) Add/Drop Deadlines:

  • The deadline to ADD full-semester classes is 2 weeks after the first day of class (the end of change of program).

  • The deadline to DROP full-semester classes is approximately 2 months after the end of the change of program period.

Session A Course (1.5 pt) Add/Drop Deadlines:

  • The deadline to ADD & DROP Session A courses is 2 weeks after the first day of class (the end of change of program).

Session B Course (1.5 pt) Add/Drop Deadlines:

  • The deadline to ADD & DROP Session B courses is 1 week after the beginning of Session B.

Deadline to Drop a Course With Refund:

  • The deadline to drop a course with refund is 2 weeks after the first day of class (the end of change of program). If a student is registered for over 19 points after this deadline, they will not receive a refund if classes are subsequently dropped. This applies to ALL courses: Full-semester, Session A & Session B.

For specific deadline dates for each semester, please refer to the Academic Calendar.

Dropping Individual Courses

Students do not require permission from department advisors to drop courses, although they may choose to seek consultation to insure they are on track to meet their degree requirements.

Courses dropped by the applicable deadline will not appear on the student’s transcript. Students who fail to drop a course by the deadline must ask the professor for a grade of UW (unofficial withdrawal). The grade of UW will appear on the student’s transcript.

With the exception of Special Students, GSAPP students pay a flat tuition fee for 12 - 19 points so any courses dropped within this range will not affect tuition. Special Students will receive a full tuition refund for all courses dropped within the registration period only.

Over-Enrolled Courses

Successfully registering for a GSAPP course online does not guarantee a place in the class.

In order to maintain a small faculty to student ratio, over-enrolled courses may be reduced at the discretion of the professor. Professors will determine an accepted student list via application, lottery or other process after the first week of classes.

Cross Registration Policies
For information on how to cross register with other schools at Columbia, and for information on how non-GSAPP students can cross register at GSAPP, please click here.

All Columbia GSAPP students must be registered fulltime at the University. To be considered fulltime, students must enroll in a minimum of 12 points.

GSAPP students may register for 12 - 19 points without incurring additional fees. Students who register for more than 19 points will be charged extra for every point over that limit (for the per point rate check the current Tuition & Fees).

Independent Study
Click here for the independent study policy & procedure.

When completing registration online, students will be given the choice between the letter grade and pass/fail option. All Columbia GSAPP students must select the letter grade option.

The letter grade equivalent for the GSAPP is:

  • Low Pass (LP)
  • Pass (P)
  • High Pass (HP)
  • Fail (F)

More information on GSAPP grading

Waivers & Advanced Standing

Students waiving courses should submit a waiver form signed by the course instructor to the Student Affairs Office (400 Avery Hall). Waiver forms are available at the 4th floor reception desk.

While students do not have to register for courses they intend to waive, we recommend that students carefully review their degree program requirements before selecting another course.

Students who do register for courses for which they later receive a waiver are responsible for dropping that course online through SSOL or by submitting an ADD/DROP form to the Student Affairs Office by the deadline.

Withdrawing from All Courses

Columbia GSAPP students may also withdraw, meaning drop all courses, during the registration window (first two weeks of class) and receive a full tuition refund. There is a $75 withdrawal fee. Students must complete and submit the withdrawal form.

Columbia GSAPP students who choose to withdraw after the registration window will receive a percentage of their tuition back, in accordance with the withdrawal schedule listed below. If entitled to a refund, students must request it through SSOL one week after the withdrawal form has been processed.

Students who withdraw after the two-week registration window will not receive a refund of their student fees.

Columbia University has arranged to make available a tuition refund insurance plan. This elective insurance plan provides coverage for tuition, room and board should a student suffer a serious illness or accident and withdraw from classes before the semester is completed.

View the University withdrawal refund schedule.