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About the Prize

The William Kinne Fellows Traveling Prize is granted on the merit of proposals submitted for travel abroad incorporating the study of architecture, including planning and other specialized aspects of architecture.

All graduating students are encouraged to submit a study proposal for a postgraduate William Kinne Fellows Traveling Prize. Any student graduating during the 2024-2025 academic year may apply.

Winning proposals are announced at Commencement. A list of previous recipients and their proposed research topics can be found here.

Recipients will be announced at GSAPP’s Spring Commencement and prizes will be issued after the recipients’ graduation with the expectation that graduates will use such travel prizes with applicable guidance and regulations.

Application Guidelines

The deadline for submission of proposals is Thursday, April 24, 2025 by 11:59 PM EDT.
Please use this online form.

Proposals must include sufficient background material to permit evaluation by someone who may not be entirely familiar with the subject matter. Applications should include a title, a one paragraph abstract, an illustrated description of the research project including specific objectives and end products (not to exceed 4 to 5 pages), a short bibliography, a budget, and any additional supporting documents, such as research contacts. All material should be combined into one PDF and uploaded via the application site. Only one proposal per student will be considered. Joint proposals by two students will be accepted. Up to $3,500 per person may be requested.

Proposals are judged on the basis of their academic merit and the perceived ability of the applicant to successfully complete the study. Previous award recipients have submitted a small collection of digital images to the School upon their return; such contributions after travel are welcomed and appreciated.

The guidelines are deliberately left open to encourage a variety of endeavors. Awards are given only for proposals that clearly demonstrate the potential for excellence; the faculty is under no obligation to award grants solely for the purpose of dispensing funds. The School hopes eligible students recognize the great opportunity associated with this unique prize, and will give it serious consideration and effort.

Proposals must comply with Columbia University travel guidelines.