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The students will select their studio critics in a lottery organized and run by the student representatives on the Program Council, following presentations made by the representative faculty members as to the nature of the projects to be given within each studio, together with the teaching intention, etc. Students will be asked to select their first, second, third, fourth, etc., choices, and places will be assigned according to random selection, assigning students to the highest possible choices on their list. Reciprocal selection by critic may also be organized, if academic priorities and/or student/faculty’s interests require it.

This does not apply to Architecture A4001-Core studio, I (fall term): students in this studio will receive their faculty assignments on the first day of studio.

Please see the Architecture Studio Lottery page for a detailed description of the process.


The studios are graded in the same manner as non-studio courses on the University transcript: HP (High Pass), P (Pass), LP (Low Pass), INC (Incomplete), or F (Fail). Further evaluation is an integral part of the architecture program. If a student is deemed in danger of failing in a studio term, he or she will be notified by their critic as early in the term as possible and no later than four weeks before the end of the term. Such notification will be done either by a letter from the critic or verbally in a meeting with the critic to be followed by a memo noting that such a conversation has taken place.

Under no circumstances will students be exempt from presenting their design work in the final review of a project, nor can they be kept from presenting by their critic. After this review, students will be told whether their work is judged passing, incomplete, or failing.

Only in exceptional circumstances will the grade of Incomplete be given (see Grades). Those students whose work is judged incomplete must satisfactorily complete the work required as stipulated by the studio critic. In some cases, a year off from school may be required before enrollment in the subsequent studio is permitted. A student may receive a failing grade in studio at the end of the term without having been notified earlier (this would occur, for example, if a student fails to satisfy presentation requirements for the last project of a term).

After the final review of each design problem, the studio critic will inform the student verbally if he or she has not finished the work satisfactorily. Works deemed insufficient and those selected for the Archives may be retained by the critic for further evaluation by a faculty committee. The studio critic will also complete a written evaluation for each student in his or her section. A copy of these forms as well as the above-mentioned letters are kept in the student’s records in the Admissions Office and are available to each student.