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Promoting Early Literacy

Wed, May 1, 2019    5pm

Social change especially movement from agrarian to urban living with associated jobs from farming, raising animals to service jobs has resulted in expansion of duration of education in many societies. However, learning starts at home before entry to school. In most societies, learning at home from parents focused on socialization; respect, chores, etc. In order for children to be ready to learn when they enter school, experiences at home need to change to stimulate early brain development.

One of the best and most enjoyable activities parents, older siblings, other relatives can do to prepare children for school is book sharing starting at six months of age. Book sharing is different than reading to children. Books for the first 2 years should be brightly colored picture books with common objects, animals with thick cardboard pages so children can turn them. Parents should point and name the objects. The key is enjoyment, engagement and back and forth dialogue. For children 2 and above books with rhyming and alliterative text (e.g. Good Night Moon) help children learn sounds and repeat text. Back and forth questions and not just reading in important for brain development and learning especially words; eBooks are not as good as parent with hard copy book.

The ‘Istanbul95 Talks” event series previously hosted Hannah Wright, Einar Jon Skulason Hansen, Samuel Williams, Elger Blitz and Darrell Hammond within the Istanbul95 program, which supports the development of socially and economically disadvantaged children ages 0-3.

Istanbul95 Talk Series, which is made possible with the technical and financial support of the Bernard van Leer Foundation, aims to increase awareness of young designers and transform their perceptions and visions in this direction.