Career Paths in Urban Design, or, don’t be afraid to network!
In the course of learning about and practicing Urban Design, we must continually ask: What is Urban Design anyway? Like many good questions, this one has no single or clear answer. UD consists of an array of activities, practices, and affiliations, each with different implications for how, and with whom, we engage the world. The MSAUD degree gives you the latitude, and even demands, that you actively shape the priorities and interests that will move you forward. The UD Career Paths event features five alums who will offer thoughts on their time at GSAPP, first steps out of school, choices, hurdles and questions that emerged along the way, and, of course, their current situation.
David Smiley, Assistant Director, Urban Design
Francesca Fanelli, GSAPP Career Services
Panel Discussion
Jenin Shah ‘07 MSAUD, Associate, Beyer Blinder Belle
Emily Weidenhof '09 MSAUD, Director of Public Space, NYC Department of Transportation
Henry Martes '10 MSAUD, Associate Creative Director, frog and here.
Celine Armstrong '13 MSAUD, Executive Project Manager, Pier55
Ishita Gaur '13 MSAUD, Urban Designer, Marvel Architects
Sponsored by the Urban Design Program and Career Services.