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Hybrid Practice

Wed, Nov 18, 2020    7pm

A workshop led by Bika Rebek.

The last workshop in this series is concerned with forming a practice in uncertain times. While much of the architectural design process has shifted towards working with digital tools, until recently the practice of architecture has remained largely analogue - in-person, bound to physical offices, working locally. Students graduating this year have a very different educational experience than any other generation before and will likely enter a transformed field. In this moment of uncertainty and open-endedness, students will be asked to think about and sketch out ways that they can imagine their own future practice. In addition, challenges of increasingly web-based and location-independent practice, including data privacy, licensing and local legislation will be discussed.

Students will learn about the Cargo web building platform and remote working tools.

Organized as part of the Fall 2020 Blended Learning series for GSAPP students in all programs. This series of lectures and workshops is designed to help students find their own path through creating virtual content deeply anchored in the realities of today.

Hybrid Community, Hybrid Modeling, and Hybrid Activism.

Image Credit: Space Popular