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Distributive Property

Mon, May 2, 2016    6:30pm

Organized by the initiative of GSAPP student group A-Frame

Can we bring property transaction into the design process?

An evening discussion about new types of property transaction enabled by blockchain technology.

Blockchain is a distributed global ledger where transaction contracts are written and executed in cryptographically secure software code. This eliminates the need for a third party to verify the security, validity and identity of sender and receiver.

Real estate and development industries will be affected due to their heavy reliance on costly, imprecise, and time-consuming third party verification of land titles and property deeds.

The launch of Ethereum in July 2015 marks a fundamental evolution of blockchain capabilities and will enable methods of value production and distribution, such as equity crowd-funding and distributed governance, that have less precedent in the fields of real estate and architecture. To address these possibilities we will rethink property development from its fundamental condition as a value transaction rooted in physical, spatial assets.


Mike Goldin
Software Developer at ConsenSys

Kristoffer Josefsson
BlockApps & ConsenSys

Christian Saucier
CTO of Ubitquity

Susanne Schindler
Columbia GSAPP

Manuel Shvartzberg
Columbia GSAPP