Black folks have historically and perhaps will always have a troubled, fraught relation to institutions. Vexed and vexing, arguably, the only way to exist within and in relation to institutions—whether they be those of the academy, the state, or both—is antagonistically. Notes from Within invites potential prospective and already accepted students to sit in fellowship and exchange with members of the Black Student Alliance at the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation at Columbia University [BSA+GSAPP]. In this candid engagement, with representation from a host of GSAPP programs, we intend to share insight, experiences, and various tales of the lives of students who identify as black and study at GSAPP and in allied fields whose work engages the built domain, interrogating space, geography, urbanity, and domesticity. Foremost, we aim to respond to questions from students, who with eyes wide open, seek to enter or are considering entry into this particular space of the academy.
BSA+GSAPP contributors include Malcolm J. Rio, PhD Architecture, Caitlyn Campbell, M.S.CCP ‘21, Nina Ndichu, M.S.AUD ‘20, Jenna L. Dublin-Bloc, PhD Candidate in Urban Planning, David Musa, M.Arch ‘21, Mark Melita Kantai, M.S.AAD ‘21, Meissane Kouassi, M.Arch ‘22, Stephanie McMorran, M.Arch ‘22, Cory Archie, M.Arch ‘18 & M.S.RED ‘19, Armon White, M.S.HP ‘18 & M.S.RED ‘19, with moderation by Ife Salema Vanable, PhD Candidate in Architecture.
Participants are encouraged to submit any specific questions, comments, or musings in advance of the event with their registration to aid BSA members in their preparation, or to email them in advance to