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Resilience Untangled: Challenges and Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean

Thu, Apr 22, 2021    12pm

Resilience Untangled: Challenges and Opportunities in Latin America and the Caribbean

Given that resilience has emerged globally as a guiding principle for development, understanding the implications of its transformative capacity becomes imperative. Engaging critically with the concept of resilience calls for the acknowledgment of its several forms, both positive and negative, across urban systems and depending on its interpretation and scope.

This conference is the first collaborative event organized by Latin organizations of architecture and planning students at UPenn, Harvard, Columbia, and MIT. It seeks to advance the conversation on the significance and practice of resilience by sharing perspectives from academics, practitioners, students, and communities of diverse backgrounds and disciplines in Latin America and the Caribbean.

12:00 PM Intro Panel: Notes on Resilience
Larry Vale, Diane Davis, Eugine L. Birch, and Kate Orff
Moderated by: Nora Libertun de Duren

1:00 PM Session 2: Student Work and Research Pecha Kucha
Presentatons by: Michelle Mueller Gámez, Andreina Seijas, Oscar Mayorga, Natalia Revelo, Dení Lopez & Betzabe Valdés, Kenismael Santiago-Pagán, Hillary Morales-Robles, Alice Fang & Luis Miguel Pizano

2:00 PM Session 3: Resilient Communities Case Studies
Amma Amancaes and Fundacíon Espacio

3:00 Session 4: Resilience in Practice Lectures
Natalia Mosquera (Colab), ORU MX, Anna Dietzsch, and Rafael Viñoly

Organized by Latin GSAPP