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Talking Climate Justice with ENLACE: Building Resilient Communities in Puerto Rico

Tue, Mar 22, 2022    7pm

A panel discussion between Licd. Estrella D. Santiago Perez, Environmental Affairs Manager for the Corporation of Proyecto ENLACE del Caño Martin Peña, and Mario Nuñez Mercado, Vice President of Board of Directors for the Corporation of Proyecto ENLACE del Caño Martin Peña, moderated by Dr. Hugo Sarmiento, Assistant Professor at Columbia GSAPP.

This lecture will be presented virtually, please join on Zoom
Webinar ID: 952 1464 5275
Passcode: 965215

ENLACE is an internationally-recognized Puerto Rican project corporation that implements award-winning environmental justice projects in the communities of Caño Martin Peña, located in the San Juan Bay National Estuary. ENLACE representatives will share their experiences of resistance, community organizing, participation, and re-designing in the context of a channelization project to build alternative affordable housing, and formulate a Community Land Trust (CLT) to prevent the displacement of families living within the Caño for generations.

Organized by LatinGSAPP. Co-sponsored by the Institute of Latin American Studies.

Proyecto ENLACE del Caño Martín Peña