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Adolf Loos: Our Contemporary

Arthur Ross Architecture Gallery
Nov 11, 2013 - Dec 10, 2013

Adolf Loos: Our Contemporary celebrates the centenary of the Looshaus in Vienna and the publication of Adolf Loos’s most provocative theoretical text: Ornament and Crime. Its primary goal is to map significant reactions to Loos both among his closest followers, and his more distant admirers. The exhibition centers on a series of interviews with contemporary international figures, who comment on the current relevance of Loos for architecture and for their own practices.

The exhibition traces Loos’s influence in America through correspondence with architects Richard Neutra and Rudolph Schindler, and through photographs of exhibitions staged by the Museum of Modern Art and the Cooper Union. With the interviews, and through the collected documents, drawings and projects, the exhibition aims to capture the uncanny sense of contemporaneity that Loos continues to exert.

Opening Event for Adolf Loos: Our Contemporary
Beatriz Colomina, Princeton University
Hermann Czech, Atelier Czech
Pedro Gadanho, Musuem of Modern Art
Yehuda Safran, Columbia GSAPP