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Aad galan bingyu xia chiun heng chou daniela beraún su21

New York City Camps

This project reimagines how we can challenge the school system that remains heavily segregated. The aim is to shift to forms of a coalition based on interests rather than on where people live. It’s inspired by models of peer-to-peer care such as those at play in summer camps. NY-City Camps connect afternoon activities offered by organizations throughout the city in a network accessible to kids regardless of where they attend school. To achieve this, the first intervention consists of a system of buses that provide transportation for children to the activities. The city’s plan to replace all school buses with smaller electric units will be complemented with one to reconvert old units into “afternoon buses”. The buses were designed to be customizable and to occupy public spaces with sliding roofs so that the activities could be further decentralized. Two other interventions were designed as part of the project. The “Restoration Wagon” for Jewels of Harlem, to reinforce a reading afternoon program. And the “MET Accessible!”, an installation that puts a helical ramp in the main entrance of the MET, and adds spaces that are not subjected to the logic of philanthropy and conservationism of the museum.