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Aad karanja mutegi brenthuifengzhang su22 sequences

Anthropocene Museum —— Wollman Loops

The project takes the Wollman Rink in Central Park as the site to narrate the topic of climate change in the Anthropocene to tourists. By making people see or experience obstacles while skating, I try to make people aware that human carbon emissions may leave us without a rink to skate in the future.

A circle of air corridors is designed around the Wollman Rink. There are two loops on the first floor: the red Anthropocene loop and the blue low-carbon loop. In the Anthropocene loop, people will encounter a series of obstacles. In the low-carbon loop, people will have an unobstructed skating experience. At the same time, there is an orange loop on the second floor, which is the air corridor, and people will pass through 7 themed spaces along the way, which narrates seven causes of climate change put forward by the United Nations.