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Arch kumpusch seonghaklee fa22 4


Between high densities and empty space, there is a thin, ordinary layer called ground. It’s common. Infinitely covering the earth, ground is what we walk on every day. It’s immersive. Stories, histories, and functions are imprinted on the ground.

Footprints, signages, chewed gums, coffee spills, vomit, tire marks, road paints, chalk drawings, construction patches, rain, water puddles, plants, spray paint, shadow, light — and almost everything above it. It even reveals what’s underneath. These may guide us, encourage us, and distract us. We interact with it consciously and unconsciously.

The sum of these elements infinitely expands, creating moments of interconnectivity between the ground and what surrounds it. Its basis is exploration. Finding orders and disorders, elements that can adapt and create spatial trans-calarities and common ground.