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Dormant Reappropriation of the Golf Course: Turning Around the White Man’s Footprint

Broadleaf Plantain is known as the “white man’s footprint” as came to the US through colonizers by accident where it was wanted as an exotic herb. Yet, it became unwanted due to the aesthetics of the elite. This idea of unwantedness was reinvigorated by chemical companies like DOW and Trump as it disrupted the aesthetic quality of grass and thus became a weed. The Golf Courses are sites of ecological disruption and inequity. They are landmarks of exploitation of labor and exorbitant use of water and chemicals for maintenance of the “pristine” nature. This speculative project aims at dispersing broadleaf plantain seeds over time silently to take over the Trump Ferry Point Golf Course through the foot, air, and water. It uses the same techniques as the white man’s project to go against them and use the dormant capacity of the seed to reappropriate the golf course.