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Mechanisms & Mysteries

Many things are vulnerable: as I am to vertigo, as someone is to an invisible threshold, as a pedestrian is to sound, as the Manhattan Bridge is to degradation and programmatic change. We are vulnerable to many things but the one thing we must do is adapt and change. To be displaced and dysphoric when induced by vertigo is to realign and recenter my body. To overcome a physical obstacle but maintain its beauty is to change its demeanor. To be intimidated by sound, material friction, and traffic velocity is to maneuver space.
The intentions of my projects are to unlearn in order to relearn. And by doing so, we learn how to adapt. By addressing my own uncomfortability, as a pedestrian walking the Manhattan Bridge, I saw its stresses and how it is a body like my own: with its frame as its skeleton, the layers of renovations as the skins, and the cyclists and traffic as the living cells within. The dysfunction felt from having vertigo and the deafening sound of the bridge both twist our perception of this world. By having a living intervention, Mycelium sound and eco-wall, that is able to adapt to many conditions and evolve as the body of the Bridge does, it no longer is a vulnerable being.