Title: La Nueva Revolución (The New Revolution)
Site: Vieques, Puerto Rico. 2050
Program: A self-sustaining, carbon-negative community and movement with the scale and concentration of an industrial revolution required to achieve climate survival.
Carbon-negative material: Bamboo, Oyster, Seaweed Systems (B.O.S.S.) Approach to AI: Coercive, Collaborative, Generative, Provocative.
Foreword: Through the narrative of the fictional city of Revolución, the project aims to connect on a human and emotional level in order to create a mythology that frames our relationship to technology and resources; in the same way that indigenous cultures use mythology, to preserve and pass down Traditional (or Technological) Ecological Knowledge that teaches us to live in balance with the Earth and evoke spiritually guided innovation. Using three closed-loop material ecologies of Bamboo, Oyster, and Seaweed systems, B.O.S.S. can be fabricated to perform the function of virtually any building material. The Future is Symbiotic: B.O.S.S. farming is lucrative, and dwelling units come with fully automated sub-basement floors requiring minimal maintenance to grow and harvest B.O.S.S. while simultaneously generating food, clean water, and electricity.