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Vendorama is a user-friendly digital platform designed to connect street vendors and customers, enhancing accessibility, communication, and economic opportunities. The platform allows street vendors to create profiles showcasing their offerings, operating hours, and locations. Customers can explore vendor profiles, view menus, prices, and reviews, and place orders directly through the platform.

The project adopts a collaborative approach, allowing street vendors and customers to actively participate in the design process of a digital platform tailored to their needs.

By empowering street vendors and customers to actively participate in the platform’s development and usage, Vendorama fosters a sense of community support, inclusivity, and economic empowerment in urban environments.

The project aims to address the challenges faced by street vendors and customers in urban areas, particularly concerning accessibility, communication, and economic empowerment. Traditional approaches to urban planning and design often neglect the input and needs of these stakeholders, resulting in solutions that may not fully address their concerns or preferences. To overcome this, the project adopts a collaborative approach, allowing street vendors and customers to actively participate in the design process of a digital platform tailored to their needs.