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Vs whitney sritoma bhatacharjee shailee kothari fa19 02 the new domestic schedule

The New Domestic

Considering the shifting attitude to sleep and contemporary variable lifestyle, the potential of a co-living model, it seems, would lie not only in space optimization, but optimizing space through time. With a belief that space shouldn’t be a commodity to be owned by individuals, the project explores the possibility of housing with zero ownership and tests it with varying levels of privacy (0% or 100%). 100% ownership and 100% privacy are also simulated for comparison. The agent-based simulation generates the rooms required based on the schedule of the 5 types of occupants under the assumption that all spaces in an apartment are simultaneously occupiable. The rules for the adjacency of the rooms generated and the resulting floor plan configurations are based on the cumulative schedule of the occupants. Through occupancy scheduling and space organization, the same number of people occupy much less area and pay a lower rent/hour.