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Emmett Zeifman

Fri, Apr 10, 2020

The Desire for Communal Form in a Moment of Isolation

A lecture by Emmett Zeifman followed by conversation with Anna Puigjaner, Jimenez Lai, and Adam Frampton

Since 2008, the field of architecture has engaged the economic precarity, social atomization and privatized “sharing” economies of contemporary society through models of communal work and dwelling, ranging from market-driven co-working and living spaces to renewed speculations on social condensers and phalansteries. At a moment in which physical collectives are being dispersed, and society has reached, almost instantly, a terminal state of precarity, isolation and virtual exchange, what is the status of this desire for architectural forms that contain whole communities and frame new commons?

Spring 2020 broadcasts are open to the Columbia GSAPP community. This discussion will be recorded and available to the public following the event.