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Why Publish?: Reframing the Stakes of Student Publications

Fri, Oct 14, 2022    12pm

Why Publish? proceeds from a space of uncertainty. It asks that we consider the urgencies, imperatives, dependencies, and stakes of publishing within schools of design; that we pause before printing to reflect on why another publication is even necessary. This workshop is rooted in the belief that why and how we publish is just as important as what we publish. It aims not only to provide students with the tools and resources to create their own publications but to think thoughtfully, generously, rigorously about the limits and possibilities attendant to printed work. Why Publish? offers students the space to be in conversation with the Office of Publications and its collaborators—modeling a supportive editorial exchange that insists on publishing as a collective project with collective consequences.

Proposal workshop led by the Office of Publications:

  • Isabelle Kirkham-Lewitt, Director
  • Joanna Joseph, Assistant Director
  • Meriam Soltan, Assistant Editor
  • Isabelle A. Tan, Assistant Editor

This event will be presented in a hybrid in-person and virtual format; register for the webinar on Zoom here.

This workshop consists of two sessions, one in summer and one in fall:

Summer, Session 1—Building an Editorial Practice
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Ware Lounge, Avery Hall

Session 1 will introduce students to a diverse range of possible positions, projects, and methodologies for realizing a publication from start to finish with the aim of collectively building and sharing resources.

Fall, Session 2—Sharing Proposals
Friday, October 14, 2022
Room 209, Fayerweather Hall

Session 2 will invite students to present and receive feedback on their publication proposals and to engage others in the structure and ambitions of their publications.

Organized by the Office of Publications at Columbia GSAPP. This event is open to currently enrolled students at Columbia GSAPP.