In the future’ future, the United Nations establishes aDisaster Management Department to address globalclimate disasters. The design of its headquarters aimsto efficiently and comprehensively manage crisesadvance climate policies, and drive technologicainnovation.
The workfow of Disaster Management Department isbased on a Triage system. The upper level consists oa 24-hour data analysis department that providesdata, which is then sent to the lower-level DecisionCouncil Center. The council makes decisions basedon this data, which are subsequently returned to thedata center for specifc administrative instructionsresource allocation, and other concrete measures.
At the top of the headquarters is the daily work areafor the 24-hour rapid response team and the livingquarters for the data analysis department staff.Additionally, the bottom of the structure is equippedwith multiple large solar energy panels to power theentire department, achieving carbon neutrality.