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Waterloo is a mixed-used, public-facing development that focuses on how to live with the growing threat of water. Data predicts that by 2050 New York City’s Climate will closely resemble Charleston, South Carolina. Our proposal aims to resolve flooding and local water quality and includes a series of bioswales, rain gardens, wet meadows, and oyster reef scaffolds which occupy most of the space adjacent to the inlet. Additional programming starts away from the waterline, including a combined skate park and water treatment facility and open-air food hall. The site is extremely close to sea level and is prone to flooding. This is due to the history of the site, where a pre-colonial creek ran through what is now infill. This area also represents one of the largest sewer sheds in Brooklyn, meaning that any stormwater event with more than .26” of rain will dump more than 6 million gallons of untreated water into the inlet and river. This means that untreated sewage flows out of the inlet roughly every six days. Waterloo is a water zero campus during wet days and one that would be water negative during dry weather by mining the sewer interceptor at North 12th Street and Kent Avenue. The inner loop of the park is designed to flood and store water as a salt-marsh engineered wetland. Native species are reintroduced in topographic zones that correspond to the amount of water intensity we expect to see in the coming years, this has the added benefit of cleaning runoff from adjacent sites and metabolizing the toxins in the soil.