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Our project intends to establish a unifying mixed-used urban scheme that preserves space for the light industry at the ground level and offers an appropriate housing density on four floors above. Each of the new mixed-use buildings, in our redevelopment proposal, interfaces with the surrounding neighborhood through a series of ground-level courtyards that are open to the public. Adjacent to the sidewalk, these courtyards are part of a larger green space network that links the Bushwick Inlet Park to nearby McCarrenPark. Through this strategy, the area can become comfortably walkable, and de-emphasize a dependence on car transportation. Creating a responsible and vibrant neighborhood requires, in part, an understanding of the disparate resources, systems, and infrastructures that make urban life possible. Our project aims to reimagine the fragmented transportation, energy, waste management, and water supply systems into a unified scheme that responds to local conditions and engages the public. In addition to engendering a shared concern for the energy and resources that enable a pleasant quality of life in the Bushwick Inlet Park District, the project redesigns the public space of the site to allow for an enjoyable living destiny. By increasing the amount of public access green space and developing a walkable street network residents are encouraged to spend more time outside of their apartments and develop a sense of community.