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A globally-minded education is one of the most remarkable facets of GSAPP and Columbia University at large. Expanding the students’ knowledge of the world enables them to engage with varied cultures, work across complex contexts, and contribute to advancing the fields of the built environment as citizens of the world. Global travel is fundamental to GSAPP’s curricula and is inextricable from our students’ formation – through studio and seminar study trips to Summer Workshops and Kinne Fellowships, as well as opportunities to engage with the Studio-X network and related exhibitions and events.



Each year, six to eight faculty-led research workshops assemble students from across the GSAPP’s programs for an intensive study opportunity that revolves around a particular question in a global location. These summer workshops present students a unique chance for cross-disciplinary collaboration, firsthand experience, and global engagement with real situations.


Studio-X represents a network of collaborations around ideas, events, research projects, pop-up exhibitions, and publications that connect GSAPP faculty, students, and staff with local partners across the globe.